Chester-le-Street CE Primary School


Art and Design


The art curriculum throughout our school provides children with an exciting range of opportunities to be creative and encourages self-expression. At Chester-le-Street CE Primary School, we don’t just teach drawing and painting skills, we promote children to communicate visually how they see and experience the world – from Early years to Year 6. 

Every year group researches different artists, exploring and discussing their work, comparing their compositions and experimenting using a range of techniques and media. In Early Years these link with the Expressive Arts and Design curriculum, children are offered daily opportunities to be creative using a range of different media and craft materials to draw, paint and model with. This promotes children to use their imagination, raises self-confidence and has been linked with increased concentration and general well-being.

As children progress through school, they are provided with their own ‘Progression in Art’ sketch book, this travels with them to each new year group. Children apply previously taught techniques and skills to scaffold their approach to creating more complex and detailed compositions. Children are encouraged to evaluate their own work, as well as that of their peers and famous artists. Children enjoy reflecting on their previous work and can see their progression.

Art tasks are often cross-curricular, linked with a year group’s topic work – reinforcing children’s understanding and engagement with the subject and enabling them to explore in more depth. 

We have some amazingly talented artists at Chester-le-Street CE Primary School and love to celebrate creativity and imagination by displaying children’s work around school. Our teaching of art and design embraces our core values, that every child should have the confidence to express themselves in a happy, caring and achieving environment.

We recognise that art also plays a pivotal role in supporting pupil well-being. 

For many children it is their place to really thrive, shine and excel!

Artsmark at Chester-le-Street CE Primary School

What is Artsmark?

Artsmark is an award accredited by Arts Council England to schools who show exceptional creativity to the arts. This award is the only award for arts and culture provision in England. As well as recognising schools that are making the arts come alive, the Artsmark award is a practical and valuable tool for enriching a school’s arts provision, whatever the starting point.  It supports schools to develop and celebrate arts and cultural education, putting creativity and wellbeing at the heart of the curriculum. Artsmark ensures every young person can be creative and access a diverse, high-quality cultural education.

What are we aiming for?

At Chester-le-Street CE Primary School, we are aiming for the Artsmark Silver award. This page will inform you about the arts provision in our school, allow you to explore the children's opinions on the arts, as well as help to celebrate our artistic achievements in school. You can follow our Artsmark journey here or in our school newsletters.

What are the arts?

The arts are a group of subjects which are modes of expression where skills, imagination and creativity are used. They also develop critical thinking, problem solving and language skills.

These subjects include:

  • dance
  • drama
  • music
  • art
  • design technology
  • literature

Why are the arts important to us?

The arts are essential in Chester-le-Street CE Primary school because they provide a holistic foundation for children's development, fostering creativity, emotional expression, and critical skills that complement academic learning. Here's why they matter:

Enhance Creativity and Imagination: Artistic activities encourage children to think creatively, explore ideas, and express themselves uniquely, skills that are essential across all areas of learning and life.

Support Emotional Development: The arts provide a safe space for children to explore and express emotions, helping them develop empathy and self-awareness.

Develop Fine and Gross Motor Skills: Activities like painting, sculpting, or playing instruments refine fine motor skills, while dance and drama improve coordination and gross motor abilities.

Cultural Awareness and Appreciation: The arts expose children to diverse cultures and perspectives, fostering inclusivity and broadening their worldview.

Boost Academic Performance: Studies show that integrating the arts with other subjects can improve learning outcomes in areas like maths, literacy, and science by making lessons more engaging and memorable.

Improving Communication Skills: Through activities like drama or storytelling, children learn to convey ideas, collaborate with others, and build confidence in public speaking.

Art Intent Document

Art at Chester-le-Street CE Curriculum Intent

Art & Design Curriculum Coverage

Art Curriculum Documents 

Primary National Curriculum - Art and Design

Early Years expressive Arts and Design

Art Progression of Skills

Art One Page Profile

How Art Looks in EYFS

Governor Monitoring 2024/2025



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Hilda Park


County Durham


At Chester-le-Street CofE, we have a number of ways you can contact us depending on your query:

If you have a general enquiry, please contact the school office on 01913882328 or email

If you have a question about your child’s specific SEND need or you would like to discuss the SEND provision at Chester-le-Street CofE, please contact our SENDCo by emailing