Chester-le-Street CE Primary School


Equality and Diversity

We aim to be a community where everyone is treated fairly and with respect. We want everyone to reach their potential, and we recognise that for all our pupils extra support is needed to help them to achieve and be successful.

We are required to publish equality information as well as equality objectives, which show how we plan to reduce or remove particular inequalities or disadvantages. This information is reviewed and updated annually.


The equality duty supports good education and improves pupil outcomes. It helps us as a school to identify priorities such as underperformance, poor progression, and bullying. It does this by requiring us to collate evidence, take a look at the issues and consider taking action to improve the experience of different groups of pupils. It then helps us to focus on what can be done to tackle these issues and to improve outcomes by developing measurable equality objectives.


Full details of the requirements placed on schools are included in the Public Sector Equality Duty Guide below, published by the Equality and Human Rights Commission.

Our school is committed to equality both as an employer and a service-provider and we carry out our day to day work through our embedded values:


  1.  We try to ensure that everyone is treated fairly and with respect.
  2.  We want to make sure that our school is a safe, secure and stimulating place for everyone.
  3.  We recognise that people have different needs, and we understand that treating people equally does not always involve treating them all exactly the same.
  4.  We recognise that for our pupils extra support is needed to help them to achieve and be successful.
  5.  We try to make sure that people from different groups are consulted and involved in our decisions, for example through talking to pupils and parents/carers, and through our school staff and pupil leaders.
  6.  We aim to make sure that no-one experiences harassment, less favourable treatment or discrimination because of their age; any disability they may have; their ethnicity, colour or national origin; their gender; their gender identity or reassignment; their marital or civil partnership status; being pregnant or having recently had a baby; their religion or beliefs; their sexual identity and orientation.

We welcome our general duty under the Equality Act 2010 to eliminate discrimination, to advance equality of opportunity and to foster good relations, and our specific duties to publish information every year about our school population; to explain how we have due regard for equality; and to publish equality objectives which show how we plan to tackle particular inequalities, and reduce or remove them.


We also welcome our duty under the Education and Inspections Act 2006 to promote community cohesion.

We welcome the emphasis in the Ofsted inspection framework on the importance of narrowing gaps in achievement which affect, amongst others:

  1.  Pupils from certain cultural and ethnic backgrounds.
  2.  Pupils who belong to low-income households and pupils known to be eligible for free school meals.
  3.  Pupils who are disabled, or who are in the process of being diagnosed as disabled.
  4.  Pupils who have special educational needs.
  5.  Boys in certain subjects, and girls in certain other subjects.
  6.  Vulnerable Pupils, where home circumstances are known or believed to be unsettled in some way, causing some level of concern.


The Equality Act defines disability as when a person has a ‘physical or mental impairment which has a substantial and long term adverse effect on that person’s ability to carry out normal day to day activities.’


  1.  We are aware of the requirements of the Equality Act 2010 that it is unlawful to discriminate, treat some people less fairly or put them at a disadvantage.
  2.  Where applicable our policies make explicit that we aim to give careful consideration to equality issues and as policies are reviewed in line with the monitoring cycle they will be edited to reflect this requirement.
  3.  We try to keep an accurate record, when possible and appropriate, of the protected characteristics of our pupils and employees.
  4.  We analyse our data to ensure we act upon any concerns in relation to the protected groups and this is reported termly to Governors.
  5.  We record any racist or homophobic incidents and act upon any concerns and report this to the LA and the Governing body on a termly basis.
  6.  The Leadership Team of the school is concerned with closing gaps, this is reflected in the school’s values.
  7.  We give due regard for equality issues in decisions and changes we make.
  8.  We deal promptly and effectively with all incidents and complaints of bullying and harassment that may include cyber-bullying and prejudice-based bullying related to disability, ethnicity and race, gender, gender reassignment, pregnancy or maternity, religion and belief and sexual orientation. We keep a record of all such incidents and notify those affected of what action we have taken and importantly monitor the impact our provision has had.
  9.  We provide training to all staff in relation to dealing with bullying and harassment incidents.

Under the Equality Act 2010, we are also required to have due regard to the need to advance equality of opportunity and foster good relations. This includes steps we are taking to tackle disadvantages and meet the needs of particular individuals and groups of pupils.


Disability: We are committed to working for the equality of people with & without disabilities:

  • We provide good quality training for our staff on inclusion.
  • When required we gain external advice and support for many different professionals.
  • We promote positive links with our parents.
  • Specific targeted support where appropriate.
  • Annual reviews.
  • Liaising and working in partnership with a number of professional organisations.
  • A wide range of resources stored in an easily accessible central location.
  • The London Borough of Hounslow school admissions criteria welcomes all pupils.
  • Regular meetings with parents.
  • We enable all pupils to learn about the experiences of disabled people and the discriminatory attitudes they often experience.
  • We ensure that the curriculum and resources we use have positive images of disabled people.
  • Children experience a positive start. Parents are kept well informed.
  • Effective, positive relationships with parents, school and home working in partnership to support the child.
  • Effective inclusion of children with disabilities.
  • Pupil voice shows that our children with additional needs are happy in school.

Chester-le-Street Church of EnglandPrimary School

Hilda Park


County Durham


At Chester-le-Street CofE, we have a number of ways you can contact us depending on your query:

If you have a general enquiry, please contact the school office on 01913882328 or email

If you have a question about your child’s specific SEND need or you would like to discuss the SEND provision at Chester-le-Street CofE, please contact our SENDCo by emailing