Chester-le-Street CE Primary School


How does the training year work?

The strength of our training is that it is based on the fact that you will be placed in a 'home' school to experience a full academic year in school. Joining the school from the their first day in September, trainees become a part of the staff team, getting to experience many of the things that a teacher does which can often go unnoticed. Carrying out break duties, after school clubs, educational visits and residentials, parent's evenings etc alongside experienced staff ensures readiness to join the profession the following year. 


Right throughout the year, trainees are placed in school Monday to Thursday and attend university placement each Friday during non assessed periods. This consistency supports both the trainee and the school to develop a regular timetable for the year.


Expectations of trainees build over the year, initially supporting the class teacher to deliver teaching and gradually taking over a greater percentage of the teaching and preparation responsibilities. Progress is measured during 3 assessed periods where school mentors, partnership managers and university tutors will observe the trainees progress and offer support for continued development.


In order to fulfill government criteria, trainees must experience two different school environments. This happens after the Christmas holiday period, when our trainees swap schools in order to enjoy the different experience which another school setting can bring and to develop their skills with a different age range of children. This exchange of schools happen within our partnership, so trainees can rest assured that they will not be moved to a school a great distance from their home placement. This allows both trainees and the schools themselves to continue to thrive and develop.


At the end of this exchange placement, trainees return to their home school in order to complete a final assessment period which, alongside university assignments and tasks, determines their final grading.

Chester-le-Street Church of EnglandPrimary School

Hilda Park


County Durham


At Chester-le-Street CofE, we have a number of ways you can contact us depending on your query:

If you have a general enquiry, please contact the school office on 01913882328 or email

If you have a question about your child’s specific SEND need or you would like to discuss the SEND provision at Chester-le-Street CofE, please contact our SENDCo by emailing