Chester-le-Street CE Primary School


Our Governors

The Governing Body

The school’s Governing Body has ten members who as a collective have a range of roles and responsibilities, which ensure that the school operates efficiently and effectively.  They have regular meetings to discuss the school’s finances, staffing, curriculum and buildings. The Governing Body works closely with the Headteacher and representatives from the Local Authority and the Diocese of DurhamThe Governing Body has three core functions:

  • Ensuring clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction;
  • Holding leaders to account for the educational performance of the organisation and its pupils, and the performance management of staff;
  • Overseeing the financial performance of the organisation and making sure its money is well spent.

 The Governing Body carries out a very important job behind the scenes in supporting and challenging the school staff to improve the outcomes for children.  We work closely as a team particularly with the Headteacher and senior staff on a wide variety of tasks which include:

  • Developing a strategic plan for the school;
  • Determining school aims, policies and priorities;
  • Setting targets;
  • Monitoring and evaluating the work of the school;
  • Appointing staff;
  • Managing the budget;
  • Securing high levels of attendance and good standards of pupil behaviour;
  • Ensuring that all children in the school have access to a broad and balanced curriculum;
  • Ensuring the health and safety and safeguarding of pupils and staff.

These are just some of the tasks that as governors we are responsible for. Some of these things may seem complicated or at least a bit dull! But we can honestly say that we really enjoy the huge satisfaction we get from seeing how rapidly the school is improving and feel valued for our part in it. We are a strong team with a variety of skills who work well together and have a shared commitment to continuing the journey together for the benefit of all our children in the future.

Governors can be contacted via the school office on 0191 3882328

Governing Body Members

The Governing Body has nine volunteer members and you can find out more about each board member by clicking on the links below:


Governors (ID 1111)

  • Barbara Wells
  • Matthew Strand
    Vice Chair
  • Rachel Butler
  • Rachel Orr
    Foundation Governor
  • Sean Mulligan
    Staff Governor
  • Laura Cavagan
    Parent Governor
  • Michael McRae
    Parent Governor
  • Dave Edmondson
    Foundation Governor
  • Tracie Smith
    Local Authority Governor
  • Bryan Wilson
    Co-opted Governor


Governing Body Committee Structure

Name Representing Term
Office Start and End date
Committee Responsibilities / Special Interests Register
Mrs Barbara Wells (Chair) N/A 22/07/22-22/07/26 Finance and Premises
Headteacher Appraisal, Appeals, Staffing
Equalities, Safeguarding / Looked After Children, Health and Safety Justice of the Peace sitting on the County
Durham and Darlington bench
Ms Rachel Butler N/A 01/01/2021 -31/12/2024 Curriculum and Standards
Finance, Appeals and Staffing
Headteacher at Chester-le-Street CE Primary None
Mr Sean Mulligan 12.9.21 Curriculum and Standards Staff Governor,
Chairman of North Shields Football Club,
Trustee of 
Northumberland Scouts
Cllr Tracie Smith N/A 01/01/2021 -31/12/2024 Appeals
Finance and Premises
PE and Sports Premium None

Rev Matthew Strand

(Vice Chair)

30/03/2022-30/02/2026 Curriculum and Standards STEM, SIAMS None
Misss Rachel Orr 06/04/22-06/04/26 Finance and Premises, Curriculum and Standards, Staffing, Headteachers Performance Online Safety,  EYFS, English including Phonics and Early Reading None
Mrs Laura Cavagan 14/02/2022-14/03/2026 Appeals, Finance and Premises, Staffing Knowledge and understanding of the world, Staff Wellbeing None
Mr Michael McRae 19/01/2023-19/01/2027 Appeals and Curriculum and Standards Arts, Music, Pupil Premium, SEND and Behaviour None
Mr Dave Edmondson 7 Nov 2023 to 6 Nov 2027 First / Pay Review RE and Collective Worship None
Mr Bryan Wilson 17 Jul 2024 to 16 Jul 2028

Governing Body Terms of Reference and Code of Conduct

 You can view or download the Governing Body Terms of Reference which explains the duties of the Governing Body, the roles and responsibilities of the Headteacher or Acting Headteacher and Local Authority, the role of the Chair of the Governing Body, the Constitution and Conduct of the Governing Body and its procedures by clicking on the link below:

Terms of Reference

The members of the Governing Body at Chester-le-Street CE Primary School adhere to the following Code of Conduct:

Chester-Le-Street Code of Conduct January 2021

Governing Body Meeting Dates and Attendance

Schools are required to display a record of Governor attendance at meetings for each school academic year.

✓   – Attended meeting
A/A   – Apologies sent and accepted by meeting
N   – Did not attend
n/a  – Not a member of the committee

All governing body meetings are externally clerked by an Education Durham Governor Service clerk


Record of Governing Body Attendance 2023-2024

Governing Body Member Finance and Premises - October 2023 Curriculum and Standards - October 2023 Full Governing Body
October 2023
Finance and Premises - 27/2/24 Curriculum and Standards - 26/2/24 Full Governing Body - March 2024
Barbara Wells N/A N/A
Rachel Butler
Tracie Smith N/A
Matthew Strand N/A N/A
Sean Mulligan N/A N/A
Rachel Orr
Laura Cavagan N/A N/A N/A N/A
Michael McRae N/A N/A N/A N/A
Dave Edmondson N/A N/A N/A N/A

Previous years Governing Body Attendance

Record of Governing Body Attendance 2022-23

Record of Governing Body Attendance 2021 – 2022

Record of Governing Body Attendance 2020 – 2021

Governing Body Minutes September 2023-August 2024

 Finance and Premises Meeting - Feb 2024

Curriculum and Standards - Feb 2024

Full Governing Body - November 2023

Finance and Premises - October 2023

Curriculum and Standards - October 2023

Governing Body Minutes September 2022-August 2023

Finance and Premises 20Jun23

Full Governing Body March 23

Finance and Premises 2nd March 23

Curriculum and Standards 27th Feb 23

Curriculum and Standards 26Sept22

Finance and Premises 20Sept22

Full Governing Body 3Oct22

Governing Body Minutes January 2021-August 2022

Governing Body Minutes 2021-2022

Statutory Guidance for Governing Bodies

Chester-le-Street CE Primary School adhere to the statutory guidance from the Department for Education. This means that governing bodies must have regard to it when carrying out duties relating to the constitution of governing bodies in maintained schools. For further information please view or download the documents below:

The Constitution of Governing Bodies of Maintained Schools (2017)