Chester-le-Street CE Primary School


SEND Transition

How we support children/young people with SEN starting at our school 

We liaise directly with parents as well as previous nurseries and settings to ensure that we fully understand the needs of children starting at our school and can give them the full support they need. We visit children at their nursery before they start. School staff talk to nursery workers to ensure they have a clear picture of the needs of each child. We ensure that parents have the opportunity to ask any questions they wish and express any concerns they may have at a parents meeting.

The child is encouraged to visit the school for a look round with their parent where they can have a tour of the school and meet their class teacher before they start.

We request the relevant paperwork from the previous school to ensure a smooth transition between schools.


How we support children/young people with SEN moving between classes in our school 

In July every year, we have a “Moving Up" morning where children spend time with their new class teacher in their new classroom.

If children have additional needs and we feel that they would benefit from additional transition, (for example, children who experience extreme anxiety, children who do not respond well to change, children who rely on routines, children with ASD) we make additional arrangements to support these children through the transition. This can include spending additional time in their new classroom, visiting their new classroom with their current member of support staff, beginning transition arrangements earlier in the Summer Term or photographs of their new classroom to take home and talk about with Parents and Carers during the Summer holidays. The support provided is tailored to the needs of individual children and will be discussed with parents and carers.


How we support children/young people with SEN leaving our school 

Children spend time, at least 1 day, at their new school before leaving permanently. Extra transition is arranged if it is felt the child would benefit from it. Our SENCO will contact the SENCO of the new school to discuss any specific needs and pass on strategies for supporting the child to ensure stability and consistency for the child.


Chester-le-Street Church of EnglandPrimary School

Hilda Park


County Durham


At Chester-le-Street CofE, we have a number of ways you can contact us depending on your query:

If you have a general enquiry, please contact the school office on 01913882328 or email

If you have a question about your child’s specific SEND need or you would like to discuss the SEND provision at Chester-le-Street CofE, please contact our SENDCo by emailing