Chester-le-Street CE Primary School


Vision & Values

“Let all that you do be done in love” – 1 Corinthians 16:14


At Chester-le-Street CE Primary School, this bible verse gives vision to our school community of staff, pupils and parents. We strive to provide a stimulating environment where pupils discover and develop many talents for the benefit of themselves and others.

As a church school, Christian faith is at the core of our work. Christian values set the guidance for learning, activities and the atmosphere at Chester-le-Street CE Primary School. Much of our work in worship, lessons, extra-curricular activities and social interaction engages pupils in identifying the Christ-like values that allow them to shine.

We celebrate the uniqueness of everyone within our community, and as such we welcome and respect children and families of all faiths and none.

Our Christian Values



These values are at the heart of all that we do as school community. Every day we aim to:

1. Create and maintain a safe, caring, supportive and stimulating environment, that is fully inclusive and non-discriminatory, where every child is valued and encouraged to reach their full potential.

2. Encourage pupils to develop an awareness of moral values, empathy and a respectful attitude towards all members of the school and wider community.

3. Provide a broad, balanced and relevant curriculum that: ensures continuity and progression; is accessible to all pupils; is appropriate to their individual needs; is in accordance with the demands of National Curriculum and places emphasis on the importance of numeracy and literacy.

4. Be aware of the range of abilities and experiences of all pupils and meet their individual needs (including any special educational needs, disabilities, English as an additional language and special gifts and talents).

5. Assess, record and track the progress of all individual children and use the information to guide their future progress, (involving pupils, teachers and parents in their further development); ensuring that each child is set challenging but achievable objectives.

6. Provide opportunities for children to develop their communication, social and problem solving skills, in order to develop confidence, independence and self-esteem and to encourage them to take responsibility for their own learning and behaviour and be aware of the effect it has on other people.

7. Provide opportunities for children to develop their personal talents and interests within the wider school curriculum.

8. Provide for children’s religious and spiritual development, including appropriate time and opportunity for high quality Collective Worship and Religious Education


Prayer and Reflection 

Opportunities for prayer and reflection are regularly available for pupils in school, during services and at set points in the day, such as lunch time. We believe, however, that prayer, stillness and reflection are vital tools in helping pupils understand themselves and the challenges that modern life can bring. We try to create many opportunities for pupils to think about themselves and others, allowing them to take time to process the impact they can have to help themselves and others, with God’s support.